10. Research and Accident Insurance (“Assurance Accident”)

10.1 What ACCIDENT INSURANCE coverage is provided for researchers employed by Unige?

Unige employees benefit from the Accident Insurance provided by Unige in line with their contract. This coverage ends upon termination of their employment or service.

10.2 If employees carry out their research abroad, do they still benefit from these two types of insurance, accident, and CL?

Yes, for accident insurance, yes for the “general” CL insurance and no for the “clinical trials” CL insurance. For the latter, it is the “host” institution that provides coverage for the part of the research it conducts, and the coverage must include the students involved.

10.3 What about accident coverage for researchers without a contract but affiliated to Unige (typically master’s students, doctoral or post-doctoral fellows, or volunteers)? What recommendation can be made?

Students should seek personal coverage. The DIFE distributes this information to new students. If they work at least 8 hours per week, their employer will pay for the coverage.

In summary:

10. Research and Accident Insurance (“Assurance Accident”) 1