How we work

La Commission est présidée par le vice Recteur en charge de la recherche, le Prof. Sébastien Castelltort. Il est épaulé par des vice-président-es.

The committee includes representatives from each of the University of Geneva’s faculties, the rectorate departments involved in CUREG2.0’s missions, and scientific experts in fields such as environmental risks, military, security, political and intelligence matters.

All research projects falling within the remit of CUREG2.0 must be submitted for assessment by the researchers before the data collection begins. Once evaluated, CUREG will issue an ethics approval.

Depending on the level of ethical risk identified, the project is either analysed by members of the office (fast-track procedure) or submitted to experts (in-depth procedure). CUREG2.0 is responsible for deciding which evaluation procedure to use.
The person responsible for the project will receive an e-mail informing them of CUREG2.0’s decision: either acceptance of the project as it stands, or positive notice with requests for modifications, or the need to reconsider certain aspects or even the entire project before CUREG takes a decision.

The request for review must be accompanied by a consent form for research involving human participants. If it is not possible to collect written consent, please include a description of the procedure planned for documenting consent.

If a Data Management Plan (DMP) is submitted it must correspond to that required by the Swiss National Science Foundation. In the absence of experience in this field, one of the research managers can attend the workshop “How to complete the SNSF Data Management Plan (DMP)” . The DMP can be reviewed by a member of the “Research Data” unit before it is sent to the commission.

Useful links