Certification procedure

Le questionnaire que vous vous apprêtez à compléter va se dérouler en différentes étapes, décrites ci-dessous.

You do not have to fill out the questionnaire in one go – you can always come back to it later. But to do that, you must be sure to click on “Save for later” at the bottom of the screen. If not, all the information provided will be lost.

You can move back and forth between the different sections of the questionnaire. However, be sure to do this using the “Back” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of the screen, rather than using your browser’s back and forward buttons, to avoid losing any unsaved data.

If you have any questions about the questionnaire and the answers you are expected to give, please contact us at

If your research project will involve human participants or concerns the environment, you must contact us at the above address before starting the questionnaire.

Online questionnaire – sections

Section A – Research background

  • Here you’ll be asked to provide general information about you and your research project.

Section B – Self-assessment of risks

  • This second part will determine whether a full review of your project is required.
  • You can get explanations on most questions by clicking on +D’INFO

If you answered ‘No’ to all the self-assessment questions

  • You just have to sign your self-assessment in section C

  • We will check the self-assessment based on the information you provided and, if everything is in order, we will send you a certificate.

If you answered ‘Yes’ to one or more of the self-assessment questions

  • The Committee will carry out a full review of your project. See section D – full review.

Section C Signature

  • This section will only appear if you answered ‘No’ to all the questions in section B.

Section D Full review: human participants

  • The questions in this section will provide CUREG2.0 with detailed information about your research project.
  • You’ll only have to complete this section if your research project involves human participants.

Section E Full review: the environment

  • You’ll only have to complete this section if your research project concerns the environment.


  • For any submission to CUREG, including if your project is subject to a Fast Track procedure, your request must be accompanied by the consent form, or, if written consent cannot be obtained, a description of the planned procedure to document consent.
  • The CUREG will not review your project if data collection for the research has already begun. Therefore, it is crucial to wait for our decision before starting it. A certificate cannot be obtained retroactively, even if it is required for scientific publications. Note that, even if all your answers to “Part C – Risk Self-Assessment” of the submission form are negative, you must still wait for the CUREG’s decision before beginning data collection.